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Hard alloy density tester and density performance of hard alloys

Time:2024-11-18 Click Count:

The hard alloy density tester is suitable for density detection in powder metallurgy and alloy products. It adopts the Archimedes principle and has the characteristics of adjustable measurement accuracy, stable performance, simple operation, and durability. Equipped with a standard RS-232 computer interface, it can easily connect to printers or computers.

The mass per unit volume of hard alloy generally includes the volume of voids in the material, commonly expressed in g/cm3. The theoretical density of the alloy analyzed by the manufacturer of the hard alloy density tester can be calculated according to the following formula:


Among them, da, db, and dc represent the theoretical densities of components A, B, and C, respectively, while x, y, and z represent the mass fractions of components A, B, and C, respectively. The formula for calculating porosity in alloys is:

P=(1-d/d0) × 100%;

Among them, P is the porosity in the alloy,% (volume fraction); D is the actual density of the alloy, and d0 is the theoretical density of the alloy.

The method for determining the density of hard alloys stipulates that when weighing samples under 10g, the sensitivity of the balance should be 0.1mg, and the sensitivity of samples above 10g should be 0.001% of the weight; The selection of container size should be appropriate. If a sample larger than 10cm3 is placed in a liquid, the liquid level should not rise by more than 2.5mm, and the liquid should be distilled water or deionized deaerated water.

Density is an important product quality indicator for hard alloys. Under certain composition conditions, the density reflects the microstructure of the alloy. When the porosity in the alloy is high or there is free carbon present, the density is low. When the η phase appears in the alloy, the density is relatively high. The main factors affecting the porosity and density of alloys include insufficient wet grinding time, low green density, incomplete degassing, insufficient sintering temperature and time, and the mixing of impurities.

The hard alloy density tester has high accuracy in measuring alloy density and is your best choice!

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